Posted By Sarah Connolly

A Personal Journey and a Call for Change

30 Jan 2024

As the founder of Talent Horizons and a woman in her 40s in the tech industry, my experiences have shaped my mission: to empower women in this dynamic yet challenging sector.

At Talent Horizons, we're not just about finding you your next role; we're about empowering women at every step of their career journey.

That's why, at Talent Horizons, we focus on guiding female candidates through the interview process. We provide tailored coaching to instil the confidence needed to excel in interviews. Our approach includes understanding the unique challenges faced by women and addressing them head-on.

We strongly advocate for and advise our clients on the need for diverse interview panels, as we believe diversity in the interview process is critical. This not only ensures a fairer selection process but also helps female candidates feel more at ease, knowing they are being evaluated by a panel that values diversity and inclusion.

I know what it's like to be the only woman at a table of eight men. It's a stark reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve a greater gender balance in the technology space. Our goal at Talent Horizons is to change this narrative by supporting women to not only enter the technology field but also to thrive and lead, producing much-needed role models for the next generation of talent.

We understand the need for comprehensive support and we advocate for policies that address parental leave, flexible working arrangements, and health-related considerations like menopause. We are passionate about working with companies to create environments where women can balance their personal and professional lives effectively.

Many women in technology, including myself, have faced imposter syndrome. Talent Horizons focuses on building confidence in women, helping them recognize and celebrate their achievements and contributions in the technology space.

We also understand the importance of having sponsors and mentors in the industry. At Talent Horizons, we encourage women to build support networks and seek mentorship opportunities, helping them navigate the challenges and biases in the technology industry.

We are committed to creating a tech world that is inclusive, and supportive, and recognizes the unique challenges women face. We're not just placing women in technology roles but nurturing their growth, empowering them to lead, and advocating for systemic change in the industry.

Through Talent Horizons, I aim to create a more equitable and supportive technology industry for women. From guiding interview processes to advising clients on diversity and inclusion practices, we are dedicated to empowering women at every stage of their technology careers.

Join us in this mission to reshape the technology landscape for women. Get in touch today!

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Diversity in Technolgy Education

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